Combating Aging Through Beating Inflammation

Recent research points to a strong connection between inflammation and aging. What causes chronic inflammation in the body, and what can you do to support healthy aging so you can enjoy a long and happy life? Here is what you need to know about this connection.

What Causes Chronic Inflammation in the Body?

In the simplest terms, inflammation is how the body responds to threats. Inflammation occurs when chemicals from white blood cells invade the tissues or blood in an attempt to protect the body. As a result, the blood flow is increased to the area that is infected or injured. Swelling may happen as the chemicals cause fluid to leak into the tissues, producing redness and skin that is warm to the touch. While acute inflammation that occurs in response to an injury or illness is generally not worrisome, chronic inflammation can present a danger to various organs and systems within the body.

There is no simple answer as to what causes inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation may be influenced by a variety of factors, specific to each individual’s health. Here are just a few of the most common causes of inflammation.


Chronic stress causes a boost in the production of cortisol, a stress hormone that may have negative effects on your physical health. While cortisol normally regulates the immune response of the body, too much of it may lower tissue sensitivity and leave the body prone to experiencing higher amounts of inflammation. Cortisol also supports the production of glucose, delivering energy to large muscle groups while also suppressing the production of insulin and the narrowing of the arteries. This forces the blood flowing through the body to have to work harder to help the response to stress, increasing inflammation in the process.

Gut Health

If you frequently experience bloating, gas, or other abdominal discomfort, it could be excess inflammation leading to these issues. While this research on the connection between gut health and inflammation is still in its early stages, scientists believe that a lack of gut biome diversity may be linked to inflammation.

Nourishing your body with gut-healthy foods can help to combat this issue. Foods that support a healthy gut include vegetables, fruit, legumes and beans. Fermented foods, such as plain natural yogurt, deliver significant benefits to the microbiome by supporting healthy gut function and lowering the number of harmful bacteria in the intestines.

Poor Sleeping Habits

Not getting enough sleep each night may be causing your body more stress than simply just being fatigued the next day. Even a lack of sleep for just one night can trigger tissue damage due to inflammation. This connection makes sense due to a plethora of scientific findings that point to the fact that quality sleep can help to ease the symptoms various autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis.

Connection Between Inflammation and Aging

Thanks to a host of research that has backed up this assertion, the connection between inflammation and aging has been well established. Studies have documented that genes related to inflammation are connected to a higher susceptibility of the development of many of the most common age-related illnesses and diseases. Some of these conditions include hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and many types of cancer.

Scientists have been able to isolate chemical markers in the bloodstream that show inflammation is connected to cellular death and the subsequent overall aging of the body. Many medical experts believe that inflammation is the most significant contributor to the aging process.

Some of the most common signs of the aging process include slower mobility, the loss of muscle strength and memory issues. However, it is important to note that deterioration of the body looks different in everyone. Not everyone will see the same levels of inflammation and the factors that influence this inflammation vary widely between individuals.

How You Can Support Healthy Aging

The good news is that there are steps that you can take now to support healthy aging by protecting the body against inflammation. Medical professionals are particularly excited about the promise of resveratrol as a treatment to suppress inflammation. Resveratrol is a polyphenol that works as an antioxidant to guard the body against damage from inflammation. The compound is primarily found in red wine and grapes. It is also available as a supplement.

Other ways that you can support healthy aging by controlling inflammation include being intentional about supplementing your nutritional intake with specific natural ingredients shown to help to control inflammation. Good supplements to consider if controlling inflammation is your goal are calcium, grape seed extract and fish oil. In addition, magnesium and vitamins B6, C, D and E have also been shown to deliver anti-inflammatory effects. Many of these nutrients are not available in sufficient amounts in most diets. Taking supplements including these ingredients can go a long way in protecting against chronic inflammation.

While there is no way to completely stop the aging process, taking steps to understand how inflammation speeds up this transition and what you can do to stymie its progress can have significant advantages to your overall health.

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