Taking Zinc for Cold and Flu Could Reduce Symptoms

A wide body of powerful medical research findings points to the success of zinc for cold and flu symptoms. These new findings demonstrate that increasing your intake of zinc can deliver numerous benefits to the immune system. This includes the potential lessening of the most common cold and flu symptoms. Using a zinc supplement can go a long way in helping to boost your immune system and reduce the frequency and severity of nagging colds, the flu and other viruses.

What is Zinc?

Taking Zinc for Cold and Flu Could Reduce SymptomsZinc is an essential trace mineral that is used in a variety of ways by the body. Some of the most common ways include the regulation of metabolism, wound healing, supporting the body’s senses of taste and smell and maintaining cell division and growth.

However, most people associate zinc with proper immune system function. Without the right amount of zinc, you may notice that you get sick more often or experience longer recovery times.

Current dietary guidelines recommend that adult women take in at least eight milligrams of zinc per day. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should boost this intake slightly. The recommended daily intake for adult men is 11 milligrams. While most adults get enough zinc in their diet through food alone, people over the age of 65 often do not meet the recommended daily goals.

It is important to note that you do not need to load up excessively on zinc to reap its benefits. Simply getting the recommended amount will help guard against a host of health conditions.

How Zinc Supports a Healthy Immune System

Individuals who are deficient in this nutrient fail to produce a sufficient number of immune cells, such as white blood cells and T-cells. These types of cells are instrumental in fighting off illness and disease. Because of this, a zinc deficiency often translates to more frequent occurrences of illness as well as the inability to heal quickly.

Zinc also supports the immune system by helping to destroy some kinds of harmful microbes. Zinc works by blocking the pathways that bacteria use to find nutrients to grow. By blocking these pathways, zinc prevents the bacteria from multiplying in the body and causing harm.

Why Take Zinc for Cold and Flu

There are no shortage of research studies that point to zinc as a potential treatment to lessen cold and flu symptoms and duration of illness. Most studies demonstrate that zinc supplements are most effective if taken within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms. Scientists hypothesize that zinc blocks the virus from replicating quickly and spreading to other parts of the body.

Most recently, some studies demonstrated that zinc could also help to lessen the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. While there has been no definitive evidence that zinc is a viable treatment option, many health professionals believe that zinc may be advantageous for treating respiratory tract infections.

How You Can Support Immune Health with Zinc

It should be clear that zinc can be a key component in the fight against a variety of illnesses and diseases, making it an important cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. The good news is that zinc is available in a variety of foods that you probably enjoy often. Foods that are rich in zinc include whole grains, chicken, oysters, seafood, red meat, nuts and dairy products. If you want to boost your zinc intake further, you would be wise to consider the use of a zinc supplement.

Other Ways to Support Immune Health

Taking Zinc for Cold and Flu Could Reduce Symptoms 1In addition to being purposeful about getting enough zinc in your diet, there are a number of steps that you can take to support immune system health. Eating a well-balanced diet that includes foods from every major food group will ensure that you are getting the vitamins and minerals that you need for optimal immune health. It is also essential to be diligent about drinking enough water each day. Water works to strengthen the immune system by flushing out harmful toxins from the body.

Engaging in a regular exercise routine has also been proven to boost the immune system. Working up a sweat encourages proper blood circulation, supporting the ability of cells to move through the body and do their job while improving immune function. Getting enough sleep each night and taking active steps to reduce stress levels are also powerful ways to improve your immune system.


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