Anzahl der Sexualpartner: Erhöhtes Risiko für Prostatakrebs

Number Of Sexual Partners Affects Prostate Cancer Risk

With age, various bodily functions decline. In men, changes in the prostate may become apparent with advanced age. In fact, prostate cancer is a common disease in men as they age. Studies suggest that the number of sexual partners may increase the risk of prostate cancer.

What is the Prostate?

The prostate is a small, reproductive tract gland located between a man’s bladder and penis. The prostate’s primary function is to produce the fluid that enables men to ejaculate sperm during intercourse. As men age, this gland may be susceptible to infection or enlargement. Either of these conditions could precipitate several urinary or sexual function problems. The most serious potential prostatic malady is cancer.

Prostate Cancer

Prostatic malignancies are considered one of the most prevalent cancers impacting men. Statistics compiled by the American Cancer Society claim that prostate cancer will strike one in every nine men during their lifetime. Arguably, the biggest risk factor is age. Roughly 60 percent of all cases are diagnosed in men older than age 65. The illness is uncommon in men under 40 and occurs more frequently in African-American men than those of other races and ethnicities.

The Number of Sexual Partners Affects Prostate Cancer Risk

A study performed by the Cancer Council New South Wales recently studied 10,000 men and investigated their risk for becoming stricken with prostate cancer. Researchers discovered that an increased number of sexual partners was a significant risk factor. In addition, the team of Australian examiners also concluded that other sexual behaviors contributed to an increased chance of developing the potentially life-threatening ailment, such as engaging in their first sexual encounter prior to turning age 17 and having more than five orgasms in the month leading up to their cancer diagnosis. Furthermore, men who reached puberty early were diagnosed with prostate cancer more so than men who did not.

Number Of Sexual Partners Affects Prostate Cancer RiskResearchers further claimed that the aforementioned sexual habits in combination with other more common risk factors like a male relative being diagnosed with prostate cancer (such as their father) or having previously experienced some form of benign prostatic illness could potentially double their chances of developing cancer.

Monogamous Sex May Reduce the Risk

Some medical professionals, however, believe more sex might help a man reduce his chances of developing prostate cancer. That said, the rub is that the increased amount of intercourse needs to occur with a monogamous partner. There are those urologists (physicians specializing in the body’s reproductive and urinary tracts) who believe inflammation could be a precipitating factor in the genesis of prostate cancer and ejaculating often helps men prevent their prostates and other sexual organs from building up a dangerous level of such irritation.

The proponents of both arguments caution that either lifestyle choice is not a slam-dunk predictor of an eventual prostate cancer diagnosis. However, they do believe such information should give men something to think about and that each hypothesis is worthy of greater future study.

Natural Methods for Preserving Prostate Health

Regardless of a man’s sexual habits, he might achieve the goal of preserving the health and vitality of his prostate by executing some of these natural practices:

Consuming a Healthy Diet

In addition to eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals and avoiding products containing excessive levels of potentially adverse health-impacting substances like fat, salt and sugar, doctors and nutritionists opine that the consumption of green vegetables is integral to prostate health. These edible items not only contain high levels of important vitamins and minerals but also are rife with antioxidants. Antioxidants are powerful substances that fight bodily inflammation and have been known to keep prostatic inflammation at bay.

Receive Adequate Medical Screenings

Physicians suggest that all men, especially those over 40, who have a family history of prostate problems or are experiencing any sexual or urinary difficulties receive a thorough checkup. The sooner any problem is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat.

Stay Hydrated

Proper water consumption if crucial to the health and performance of the entire reproductive and urinary tract, particularly the prostate.

Keep Hormone Levels Balanced

Hormonal imbalances can impact many bodily systems, most notably the sexual and reproductive tracts. Moreover, some medical professionals ascertain that hormonal imbalances could contribute to prostate cancer’s development.

Avoid Unhealthy Vices

As is the case with many other bodily organs and systems, the prostate can be adversely influenced by engaging in bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol excessively and using certain drugs.

Take Natural Supplements

Augmenting the diet with specific natural supplements can improve a normal prostat function. Substances such as zinc and saw palmetto are said to possess significant hormonal-balancing and anti-inflammation properties.

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