New Diets: How Effective Are They?

New Diets: How Effective Are They?

Now that the holidays are over, many of us are struggling with those unwanted pounds again. Christmas baking, New Year’s Eve deli food and co have lead to weigt gain. In the new year we would like to work a little more on our figure and lose weight. But what is the best way to do this? There are always new diets on the market that promise quick weight loss. But how do they work and do they keep what they promise? Below you will find some current diets that offer both – pros and cons.

Hay Diet

The principle of this food combining diet goes back to the US doctor Howard Hay, who developed this form of nutrition at the beginning of the 20th century. The concept of Hay’s diet combining method is that protein and carbohydrates are separated because eating the two together can cause intestinal discomfort. This should result in fermentation processes that lead to acidification, which in turn can trigger diseases. The advantages of this type of diet: Hay diet can help to normalize the acid-base balance. In addition, also the life expectancy should even be extended. This diet consists of two carbohydrate meals and one protein meal. A diet consisting of raw vegetables, fruit and nuts is ideal. Refined foods such as white bread, sugar and convenience foods should be avoided. Snacks and legumes are not allowed too. Milk is ok, but cheese should only be eaten rare as it is highly acid-forming.

The ratio between alkaline and acid-forming foods should be 75 to 25%. Neutral foods can be eaten with both proteins and carbohydrates. Proteins should be on the menu at lunchtime, carbohydrates in the evening. Vegetable oils and fats, cold-pressed oils as well as fruit and vegetables are among the neutral foods. Meat, sausage, sweets, alcohol, coffee, eggs and cheese are considered to be highly acid-forming and should therefore be avoided. The disadvantage of this type of diet is that there is a lot to consider and research has already disproved that carbohydrates and proteins, when eaten together, impair digestion. In addition, Hay diet can lead to nutrient deficiencies, so it should be consumed with caution.


Shred Diet

This new type of diet promises rapid weight loss without starving yourself. It lasts six weeks and works as follows: Up to seven meals can be consumed per day. However, it is important that there are intervals of between 1.5 and three hours. The advantage: If many small meals are consumed per day, people experience fewer food cravings and the insulin level remains stable. However, the meals are greatly reduced in calories. Between 1100 and 1300 calories are consumed daily. If you want to try this diet, you should definitely use the Shred Diet book, which provides specific meal plans and other valuable tips every day. And: Vegetarians also get their money’s worth with this kind of diet. In addition to nutrition, exercise is also very important. The shred diet relies on regular endurance and strength training. The book also contains valuable training tips. The disadvantage: Since the diet is based on few calories, it should not be pursued in the long term.

Dukan Diet

The diet was developed by French doctor Pierre Dukan. This diet focuses on increased protein intake and lean foods, which should prevent the yo-yo effect. Attention is paid to a low calorie intake, which mainly comes from proteins. The diet consists of four phases, in each phase you should eat different foods. In the first phase (attack phase), carbohydrates and fats are strictly forbidden, only proteins are allowed. This phase lasts a maximum of ten days. The second phase is the construction phase. In addition to proteins, other foods such as vegetables can be eaten. This lasts until you reach your target weight. In the 3rd phase (stabilization phase), starchy foods such as rice and potatoes can also be eaten. The final phase, also known as the consolidation phase, extends throughout youe life. Everything can be eaten again. The advantage: With the Dukan diet, a strong weight loss can be achieved. The disadvantage: those who want to lose weight have to plan their meals carefully and avoid a lot. Since this diet is often very one-sided due to the different phases, it is not recommended in the long term.

Dash Diet

For people suffering from high blood pressure, the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) could be interesting. Our diet plays a major role in the development of hypertension, along with other factors. So the main goal of this diet is to lower blood pressure and not lose weight, which is a nice side benefit of this diet. Research shows that after just one month, people following the DASH diet and consuming only little salt saw their systolic blood pressure drop by up to 9 mmHg. The principle of this diet: The focus is on lots of vegetables, fruit and whole grains as well as lean fish and meat. Fatty meat, sugary foods, dairy products and foods with a lot of salt are forbidden. In fact, you should only consume a maximum of 2.3 mg of sodium per day, because salt can raise blood pressure. The plus: This diet is ideal for people with blood pressure problems. In addition, the organism is optimally supplied with all important nutrients. The consumption of fruit, vegetables and whole grain products also promises a better feeling of satiety. Possible disadvantages: Not using salt can be a challenge at the beginning, as alternatives have to be found. However, people who do not suffer from high blood pressure should ensure a healthy intake of salt, which is why this diet is only suitable for them to a limited extent.

Thoron Diet

Do you want to lose a lot of weight very fast? Then Thornon Diet might be right for you. Allegedly, a weight loss of 22 pounds in just 14 days should be possible. The name of the “Thonon” diet comes from a French spa town where this type of diet is practiced under medical supervision. The principle of the diet: calories are greatly reduced. In the first phase only between 600 and 800 calories are allowed, in phase two 1200 to 1500 calories per day can be taken in. The main goal here is to maintain or lose weight. What can be eaten? The main focus is on proteins. Vegetables, eggs, fish and lean meat are allowed on the menu, carbohydrates are largely left out. The thoron diet is considered a crash diet. The advantage: Many unwanted pounds can be quickly reduced. The disadvantage: Especially at the beginning, only few foods can be eaten, which requires a lot of perseverance. And: The yo-yo effect can hardly be prevented in the long term, unless the diet is changed in the long term. It should also be noted that the first phase (weight loss phase) may only last two weeks in order not to risk a nutrient deficiency.

Blood Type Diet

What do specific blood types have to do with weight loss? A lot, according to some experts like naturopathic doctor Dr. Peter D’Adamo, who invented this diet. The blood group diet is based on the fact that different foods are better tolerated for each blood group than others, which in turn can lead to weight gain or loss. Foods that do not match the respective blood group are said to cause the blood to clot, while the right ones ensure a slimmer and healthier body. The principle of this diet: There are five meals per day, which an amount between 1500 and 1800 calories. But which foods are suitable for which blood group? According to D’Amo, people with blood type A are farmers who ate a plant-based diet. Fruits and vegetables, as well as legumes and seafood, are recommended for people in this category. Cow’s milk products, on the other hand, should be avoided. People with blood group B belong to the nomads. In this group, the focus is on a balanced diet. In addition to fruit and vegetables, meat, milk and grain products are also allowed. Wheat and rye, on the other hand, are not well tolerated.

Anyone with blood group AB (enigmatic) is considered particularly lucky. People who belong to this group can eat almost anything. However, this blood group is very rare. Processed foods and high-fat, high-calorie foods are not recommended on the Blood Type Diet. The advantages: This form of nutrition is easy to implement and can be individually adapted, as the focus is on healthy food. The possible disadvantages: There is no scientific evidence that the daily diet is related to the respective blood group, therefore the positive effects are not proven. There is also a risk of nutrient deficiencies. For example, if your blood type indicates that you are not allowed to eat dairy products, you may be at risk of calcium deficiency. Therefore, the blood group diet provides for the integration of nutritional supplements.

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