The Best Time of Day to Take Nutrients for Heart Health

The Best Time of Day to Take Nutrients for Heart Health

Our bodies’ biological functions are regulated by a 24-hour internal clock, more commonly known as the circadian rhythm. This system determines when certain compounds are released and used by our organs, as well as when different organ systems are most active. By studying the bodily systems and processes that adhere to this 24-hour rhythm, scientists have discovered that certain nutrients for heart health are more effective during specific times in the day.

This knowledge provides the basis for chronotherapy, the practice of timing the administration of nutrients in order to maximize their effectiveness. Research has found that many nutrients for heart health work best at a particular time of day, which is why taking a chronobiologically formulated supplement can help maximize the effectiveness of the ingredients it contains.

The Importance of Chronobiology

The Best Time of Day to Take Nutrients for Heart Health 1Research into chronobiology has determined that every organ in the body, as well as certain biological processes, have their own 24-hour rhythms. By researching these rhythms and studying how they are affected by different chemical compounds, researchers can determine which nutrients should be introduced into the biology of an individual at a given time of day for optimum effectiveness.

Currently, research of this type is helping to create dietary supplements that provide the maximum benefits to an individual with the least negative side effects. These types of supplements incorporate nutrients that are best taken in the morning into a specially formulated morning dose, while a separate evening dose provides nutrients that will be more effective at night. By adhering to the recommended dosage timing, an individual will maximize the benefits the supplements provide.

Additionally, supplements that are based on chronobiology are engineered to be mindful of substances that can interfere with the effectiveness of certain nutrients. There may be some interactions between various vitamins and minerals that interfere with the effectiveness of each nutrient. In recognizing those compounds that work together and those that don’t, and formulating accordingly, a supplement based on chronobiology can be used more efficiently by the body.

When Are Nutrients for Heart Health Most Effective?

For instance, the body is more efficient at absorbing calcium in the morning hours, so it is most beneficial when taken in the morning. In taking a supplement that contains calcium, it’s also important to note that several nutrients adversely interact with it. For this reason, these nutrients should be taken in a separate dose in the evening for ultimate effectiveness. These compounds include most B vitamins and magnesium.

Vitamin C and B6, along with certain trace elements, are also best administered in the morning. When administered together, vitamin C and vitamin B6 help to create natural energy by stimulating the adrenal glands. Conversely, when taken at night, these two vitamins can hinder sleep.

Along the same lines, certain nutrients should be taken in the evening as close to bedtime as possible, because of the way they interact with the body’s rest and rejuvenation cycle. These nutrients include all of the B complex vitamins with the exception of vitamin B6. Additionally, magnesium should be included in an evening dose, as it promotes restful sleep and can be best absorbed and used by the body at night.

More Nutrients to Boost Your Heart Health

In addition to the vitamins and nutrients previously discussed, there are a few other heart healthy ingredients such a:

Coenzyme Q10

This nutrient is also called CoQ10 and can be especially beneficial to those already suffering from cardiovascular disease. This is because it has been shown to help reduce the risks of secondary heart failure and improves the outcomes for those who do experience heart attacks. It can also be effective in helping to maintain blood pressure within normal ranges and in counteracting the side effects of statins, which are used to control LDL cholesterol levels.


This compound was found effective in reducing the risks of ventricular arrhythmias, or irregular heartbeats. Research also found that this nutrient helped reduce premature mortality from all causes by 27 percent. Additional research suggests that L-carnitine is effective in protecting against repeat heart attacks.


The Best Time of Day to Take Nutrients for Heart Health 2Acting as an antioxidant, lycopene may help protect against prostate conditions and cardiovascular disease. It may also inhibit the production of LDL (bad cholesterol), so could help maintain cholesterol levels within normal ranges. Aside from a supplement, lycopene can also be derived from tomatoes and tomato-based products, such as ketchup and spaghetti sauce.


Nattokinase has been shown to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular causes. It has also been shown to help maintain healthy blood pressure within normal ranges, protect against risk of stroke, encourage healthy circulation, protect against deep vein thrombosis and protect artery health.

Many of these compounds work together to create powerful antioxidants that combat free radicals in the body. In this way, they also help reduce oxidative stress that can raise the risks of unhealthy cell growth and cardiovascular disease. There’s even evidence that suggests a good supply of antioxidants in the body can slow the process of aging for cells in the body. This suggests providing your body with these essential nutrients on a daily basis can keep you feeling younger and healthier for longer.

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